曲を書いてもらう打ち合わせで会って、すぐにKate St. Johnとは仲良くなった。帰国して「アレンジは誰か違う人にお願いしようと思っている」とe-mailで告げたときには「張り切って歌詞もアレンジも出来ちゃった」状態で、結局ありがたく両方ともいただいた。ノコギリもギターも宇宙的。念願のハープも。
Kate St. John and I soon became good friends after I met her and asked her to write a song for this album. After I came back to Tokyo I sent her an e-mail saying “I am planning to ask someone else to arrange your song”, she replied that she had been inspired and had already done the arrangement and even written the lyrics. I appreciated her effort, and ended up using both of them. The musical saw and the guitar sound like we are in space. It had long been a dream of mine to use a concert harp in one of my songs.
Music and lyrics : Kate St. John
Co-produced and arranged by Kate St. John
acoustic guitar and electric guitar: Doug Boyle, harp: Skaila Kanga, musical saw and percussion: David Coulter, bass: Dudley Phillips, backing vocal: ayako
Recorded at Sound Suite Studio London UK March 1999
Recorded by Richard Preston