Bob Brozmanとは初めて来日したときにライブを見て、もの凄く気に入り、一緒に沖縄料理を食べに行って意気投合。その後も頻繁にe-mailで連絡しあい「いつか一緒に」と言っていたのが実現した。2度目の来日の時に一緒にスタジオに入って、私の歌詞を見せ、それを見ながらBobが演奏してくれたギターとともに歌のかたちも出来た。ベースは後日、日本で、歌はバスクで録音。バスクへの人たちとは将来”green”で一緒に何かやる予定。
I really enjoyed Bob Brozman’s first live concert in Tokyo. We became good friends by talking about many things over Okinawan food. We exchanged e-mails quite often after that, and hoped to work together someday. This song is when it happened. We worked together in the studio when he came to Tokyo for the second time. This song was formed and recorded after I showed him my lyrics. Bob played the guitar while looking at the lyrics and I sang along to it. The basic track was recorded in Tokyo and my final vocal was recorded in the Basque. I am planning to work again with people in the Basque on my future album “green”.
Music : Bob Brozman
Lyrics : ayako
Basic guitar arranged by Bob Brozman
acoustic guitar (santa cruz guitar co. Bob Brozman baritone model) and weissenborn Hawaiian guitar (1925): Bob Brozman, bass: Takayoshi Matsunaga
Recorded at Bunkamura Studio Tokyo Japan Dec 1998
Overdubbing at Space Velio Tokyo Japan Feb 1999
Vocal recorded at Elkarlanean Studio Donostia Basque Country March 1999
Recorded and overdubbing engineered by Satoru Fujii
Vocal recorded by Richard Preston
Assisted by Atsushi Matsui (Bunkamura Studio), Shinichi Tokumo (Space Velio) and Jean Phocas (Elkarlanean Studio)